Love Earth Wheatgrass Powder 185g


Organic is commonly perceived as “expensive” products and is categorized as “high-end” products. BUT!! In Love Earth, we provide everyone with the lowest cost we could give and promise to give the best quality we could.

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Wheatgrass is full of antioxidants (抗氧化) , amino acids (氨基酸), vitamins (维生素), iron (铁), magnesium (镁), calcium (钙) and chlorophyll (叶绿素).

Many nutritionists suggest that consumption of small quantities of wheatgrass daily can increase our immune system and treat various ailments such as:-

  • Cold (感冒)
  • Cough (咳嗽)
  • Constipation (便秘)
  • Wounds and cuts (伤口)
  • Fever (发烧)
  • **Or more serious disease like cancer (癌症), diabetes (糖尿), anemia (贫血), ulcerative colitis (溃疡性结肠炎) or AIDS (艾滋病)

Wheatgrass For Menstruation

  • Stimulates production of red blood cells and improves the health of blood (促进血细胞生长和保持健康血液)
  • Chlorophyll, it mimics the actions of hemoglobin in the body and helps regulate menstrual cycles
  • (叶绿素会模拟体内血红蛋白帮助调理月经周期)
  • Folic acid, Vitamin B12 and Chlorophyll helps reduce heavy menstrual bleeding that can causes anemia
  • (叶酸,维生素B12和叶绿素有助减低过多月经量和贫血现象)
  • Stabilize women hormone then reduce PMS
  • (调理女性荷尔蒙和减低经前综合征)
  • Detoxify menstruation blood
  • (静化经血毒素)


4.0 /5
1 Review

The best of the 3 brands I tried

after my pregnancy I drank every 2 days a wheatgrass juice , it 's healthy and I heard it eliminates toxin from body then I will continue. I tried three different brands and this one is my favorite actually.

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Love Earth Wheatgrass Powder 185g

Love Earth Wheatgrass Powder 185g

Organic is commonly perceived as “expensive” products and is categorized as “high-end” products. BUT!! In Love Earth, we provide everyone with the lowest cost we could give and promise to give the best quality we could.

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