Pot of Gold Skin Balm 黄金护肤软膏 50g


Pot of Gold skin balm has been made and shared by our family for six generations. We combine nature's most powerful moisturizing ingredients to soothe your skin conditions, and keep your skin nourished, protected & healthy. Pot of Gold skin balm is a natural product in the truest sense of the word. It contains no petrochemicals, fragrances, synthetics, and such. Pot of Gold skin balm is made in New Zealand from 100% natural ingredients and is 75% organic too. The skin balm works by feeding the skin a powerful skin food which simply helps your skin to get better.

Pot of Gold 护肤软膏由纽西兰的一个家庭所研制并流传了六个世代。在那个时候这护肤软膏只用于他们的家庭里,帮助治疗和控制几乎所有皮肤疾病及损伤,并于最近推广给顾客。Pot of Gold 护肤软膏是世上最真实的天然产品。它不包含任何一种可的松、类固醇、石油化工、香料、合成物质或者致癌物质。Pot of Gold 护肤软膏是由75%纽西兰成分所制造的,并且有75%是有机成分。护肤软膏喂养您的皮肤,帮助及加强它的愈合功能。

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Try our Pot of Gold skin balm for: -Eczema symptoms -Psoriasis -Stretch mark reduction -Scar repair and reduction -Acne treatment -Scar -Dry, cracked skin -Itchiness And many more... Products from New Zealand. *100% Authentic & Authorized*

#PotOfGold #SkinBalm #skincare #skin #NZ #黄金护肤软膏  #湿疹症状 #牛皮癣症状 #婴儿乳痂 #烧伤 #暗疮 #淡化疤痕

Pot of Gold 护肤软膏适合用于以下病症: -湿疹症状 -牛皮癣症状 -脂溢性皮炎(婴儿乳痂)症状 -皮炎症状 -烧伤 -唇疱疹 -干燥破裂的皮肤 -皮肤癌治疗的补助品 -足部异味及感染 -暗疮及淡化疤痕 -润肤霜及下眼脸霜 -昆虫叮咬 -割伤、瘀伤、创伤及其它伤口 **过敏警告:Pot of Gold护肤软膏含有针叶松树树脂与蜂蜡,可含有花粉,蜂胶和蜂毒痕迹。要知道是否对软膏成分过敏,最好的方式就是进行接触性测试。把指纹般大小的软膏小搽在手肘内坑(如果这部位患有湿疹或类似的病症,那就用另一边的手肘或膝坑)。可能需要48至96小时才会出现反应。如果届时没有看到什么变化,那么就可以安全使用。如果过后搽上软膏的患处开始出现红肿或隆起,马上停止使用。


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Pot of Gold Skin Balm 黄金护肤软膏 50g

Pot of Gold Skin Balm 黄金护肤软膏 50g

Pot of Gold skin balm has been made and shared by our family for six generations. We combine nature's most powerful moisturizing ingredients to soothe your skin conditions, and keep your skin nourished, protected & healthy. Pot of Gold skin balm is a natural product in the truest sense of the word. It contains no petrochemicals, fragrances, synthetics, and such. Pot of Gold skin balm is made in New Zealand from 100% natural ingredients and is 75% organic too. The skin balm works by feeding the skin a powerful skin food which simply helps your skin to get better.

Pot of Gold 护肤软膏由纽西兰的一个家庭所研制并流传了六个世代。在那个时候这护肤软膏只用于他们的家庭里,帮助治疗和控制几乎所有皮肤疾病及损伤,并于最近推广给顾客。Pot of Gold 护肤软膏是世上最真实的天然产品。它不包含任何一种可的松、类固醇、石油化工、香料、合成物质或者致癌物质。Pot of Gold 护肤软膏是由75%纽西兰成分所制造的,并且有75%是有机成分。护肤软膏喂养您的皮肤,帮助及加强它的愈合功能。

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