BabyOrganix Baby Feeding Bottle Wash - Twin Pack (800ml)


  • A safe cleanser to use when cleaning your baby's item.
  • Natural formulated to clean all baby bottles, feeding accessories, niples, toys & vegetables.
  • Products is bio-degradable, thus eco friendly.
  • Using premium natural or plant derived ingredients in our products.
  • NO Artificial fragrances or harsh detergent is used.   

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Estimate Delivery Cost: RM7.00
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Product Description:

BabyOrganix Baby Feeding Bottle Wash is a safe cleanser to use when cleaning your baby's item.It is naturally formulated to clean all baby bottles,feeding accessories,niples,toys & vegetables.This product is free from artificial fragrances.We use food grade flavoring for the scent.We also do our part to protect the environment by making sure thst this products is bio-degradable,thus eco friendly.It is our philosophy in BabyOrganix to use premium natural or plant derived ingredients in our products.NO Artificial fragrances or harsh detergent is used.

Direction For Use:

  1. Cleaning for bottle: Rince your bottles under running water.Pump out babyOrganix Feeding Bottle Wash onto a sponge or into the bottle and brush it throughly.Rinse the bottle under running water again.
  2. Cleaning for toys,accessories: Pump 2.5ML BabyOrganix Feeding Bottle Wash into a container.Fill the container with 1 litre of water and soak the toys, accessories and etc for 10 minutes and rinse them under running water again.


Deionised Water, Cocamidopropyl Betain, Coco-Glucoside, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Flavour (Strawberry), Lime Oil, Tetrasodium EDTA, Citric Acid Anhydrous, Alkyl Polyglucosides (Plantacare)


5.0 /5
24 Reviews

Good packaging

Good packaging. My first time buying this brand. Hopefully it is a good purchase


fast delivery

fast delivery and in good condition


Good Product

BabyOrganix products are always my choice. It's safe for daily use...


Fast delivery

First time trying.. so far checked everywhere this is the cheapest price.
Thanks alot. Cant compare with other brand because hvnt use. So far tried pigeon and pureen


cheap & good quality

Good for hand allergies not dry at all



I have been using this product since my baby born, it is a good product.


Natural Organic Safe for Baby

I like to use BabyOrganix products because their ingredients are 100% safe for baby.


Bebas paraben & organik

Sebelum ni sy mnggunakan Fiffy bottle wash dan baru bertukar kpd BabyOrganix Feeding bottle wash ni krn Dr mngesyorkan sy utk mnggunakan barangan organik & bebas kandungan paraben utk bayi sy.Utk tekstur,cair dan bau pun lembut & bauan tidak melekat pada botol susu.Yg paling penting,sgt mudah utk mmbersihkan barangan dan botol bayi sy,sisa lemak susu pada botol mudah tanggal malah ia juga boleh digunakan utk mncuci sayur & buahan.Utk harga mmg agak mahal tapi berbaloi dgn botolnya yg besar(800ml) dan kandungan organiknya yg lebih selamat utk bayi.



之前宝宝还没有出生的时候我就一直找资料看那个Feeding Bottle Wash比较好的,很多的妈妈都会介绍这个牌子的因为是有机天然的药物做成的所以不怕太多的化学药品的给宝宝用的东西一定要很安全的。这个价钱是贵些可是是值得的。


Best baby feeding bottle wash

Seriously the best I have used so far. Just a little bit goes a long way and the milk stains just goes away! I love that it has a natural smell instead of the strong smelling perfume added ones. I use it to clean teething toys and also fruits and vegetables and it is really good! Grapes have this while coating over them that doesn’t come off with regular water and when I wash with this cleaner, I don’t even need to scrub them, they come out squeaky clean after a brief time soaking.


expensive but big bottle

Babyorganix feeding bottle wash is very expensive, it is about RM38++ per bottle if I’m not mistaken.
But it is a very big bottle, so the price is still consider acceptable. Food grade ingredients safe for baby, I use it to wash fruits & vegetables too!





Clean and safe milk bottles for my baby

I’ve been using this product since my baby is born. It’s eco friendly features put away parents worries of baby inhaling strong detergent to their system and also it’s very clean after using it.


Free from germs & Odourless

First time using Baby Organix Feeding Bottle Wash i was kind of impresssed! Why? Because it’s able to clean up the milk residue in the feeding bottle and it’s odourless. Meaning it’s free from any fragrances and harmful chemicals. Normally I found difficulties to find a product that truly care on baby needs in a baby shop. But, in here at Apple Baby Shop I can easily find this great products stock up on the racks. Highly recommended for a new born and first time mother to try.


Selamat dan bersih

BabyOrganix Feeding bottle wash selamat digunakan kerana ianya berasaskan dari sumber semulajadi. Berkesan dalam menanggalkan kotoran pada botol susu tanpa perlu risau kerana ianya tidak menggandungi bahan kimia. Walaupun agak cair dan kurang berbuih berbanding jenama yang saya pernah guna sebelum ini tapi ianya juga sesuai untuk mencuci mainan, sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan. Malah BabyOrganix agak sukar sikit untuk didapati kerana ianya produk baru lagi di pasaran.



这个BabyOrganix Feeding Bottle Wash我用的很安心的因为是有机的Bottle Wash所以我不怕有化学成份的对宝宝不健康的,因为我是喂母乳的所以bottle 会比较的油比起奶粉的,所以这个要用很多才可以洗的干净的所以也很快用完的。



最怕清结用品化学成份会影响小孩的健康,BabyOrganix Feeding Bottle Wash 可以洗得很干净又很安心


First trial

More worth than comparing to the brand pigeon



Suka pencuci botol bayi ini. Dibuat drpd bahan organik. Barang yg dicuci dgn pencuci ini sgt bersih juga.



Environmental friendly. Does not contain any fragrances. Natural and safe to clean. Love it


Prompt Delivery

Goods delivered within 3 working days in good condition.


Fast delivery

Haven't use yet.
Fast delivery and deliver in good condition.


puas hati

cuci barang anak-anak guna sabun ni je sangat bersih!


Does the job

This is excellent soap for baby bottles especially if they have had breast milk in them. The residue is almost impossible to get out with regular dish soap and this does the job beautifully.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

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BabyOrganix Baby Feeding Bottle Wash - Twin Pack (800ml)

BabyOrganix Baby Feeding Bottle Wash - Twin Pack (800ml)

  • A safe cleanser to use when cleaning your baby's item.
  • Natural formulated to clean all baby bottles, feeding accessories, niples, toys & vegetables.
  • Products is bio-degradable, thus eco friendly.
  • Using premium natural or plant derived ingredients in our products.
  • NO Artificial fragrances or harsh detergent is used.   

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