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All Suu Balm Products

Skin problems like eczema and psoriasis are common among us, however, with Suu Balm™ products, you can shoo these annoying sensations away immediately and effectively.

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Suu Balm™ | Everyday Relief for Sensitive Skin

Suu Balm™ initiated by Dr Tey Hong Liang; a Singaporean dermatologist who runs the Itch Clinic at the National Skin Centre Singapore. The idea came out after he realized that most moisturizers and creams in the markets were not sufficient enough in treating his patients’ dry and itchy skins. He then decided to come out with a solution. 

Dr Tey developed an excellent combination of menthol and ceramide in finding the best answer for itch dry skins. As we all know, menthol is one of the natural itch reliefs and its cooling effects help to comfort the skins very well. With the great aids of menthol and the goodness from ceramides (the best ingredient to repair skin barriers), Suu Balm™ is like killing two birds with one stone. 

After some research and receiving constructive feedback from his patients, Dr Tey partnered up with Dr John O’Shea and Jason Humphries who are a skin expert and a marketing specialist in a pharmaceutical product respectively. This collaboration is intended to make Suu Balm™ available globally. 

Together they conducted studies and research of Dr Tey’s product to prove its safety and effectiveness. The result turned out to show positive impacts on skins with eczema problems and itchiness. 

Today, Suu Balm™ has been producing a wide range of skincare products which consist of four major categories. There are Suu Balm™ Body Care, Suu Balm™ Scalp Care, Suu Balm™ Facial Care, and Suu Balm™ Kids.

  • Suu Balm™ Body Care

This category is the earliest of Suu Balm™ and the most purchased items as well. There are several items under this series which are Dual Rapid Itch Relieving & Restoring Moisturiser and Dual Cooling & Moisturising Cream Body Wash. 

After obtaining positive feedback and review from the customers, Suu Balm™ has just released two new series that are focussing on the scalp and facial skin health. 

What are the main functions of Suu Balm™? 

It is undeniable that itchiness is the most frustrating feeling ever! When it comes to skin problems, not only it can affect our physical health, but our confidence level too! 

However, skin problems are normal, and the most common types of these problems are eczema (atopic dermatitis). It is shown in a study that was carried out by the American Academy of Dermatology Association where one out of 10 people will develop eczema in their lifetime. Other than eczema, there are psoriasis, hives, and rosacea which are also common skin problems. 

Due to these issues that is why Suu Balm™ here. Here are the roles of Suu Balm™: 

  • To relieve dry and itchy skins. 

  • To reduce the frustrations of having skin problems. 

  • To prevent such problems from occurring again. 

Why choose Suu Balm™ Malaysia?

  1. Formulated at the National Skin Centre, Singapore.

National Skin Centre is a tertiary health care institution which specifically focuses on dermatology. It has been operating for more than three decades already. They have been awarded numerous awards for their great and excellent services.

  1. Fast and efficacious relief of itch with non-drying menthol.

Further research showed that more than 90% of consumers start to get relief from itch within several minutes of applying the product.

  1. Highly moisturising with ceramides & filaggrin. 

Composed of powerful lipids which are ceramides, Suu Balm™ locks the moisture of your skin and repairs your skin barrier as well as protects against environmental aggressors. 

  1. High-quality ingredients

Does not contain SLS, SLES, soap, sulfate, parabens, preservatives or artificial fragrances. 

Suitable for those who have sensitive skins especially who are intolerant with sulfate and fragrances. Furthermore, not only it contains no parabens, but Suu Balm™ also contains no steroids. 

Protect and treat your skin with Suu Balm™ now! 

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