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Factory outlet - genuine licensed...
Color: Blue & Yellow Material: Cotton 100% Size: 42 ~ 44 cm
Color : Blue/ Coffee/ Red Material : Surface~Cotton Sole~PVC Size: M:12cm L:12.5cm XL:13cm LL:13.5cm
Color : Blue/ Coffee/ RedMaterial : Surface~CottonSole~PVCSize: M:12 L:12.5 XL:13 LL:13.5CM
Flexible hat design Breathable and comfortable
Producing baby products that are safe and functional, Piyo Piyo only produces baby bottles that are BPA and Phthalate free. Piyo Piyo's feeding bottle, baby bottles and the baby pacifier is also environmentally friendly and durable. Free from harmful chemicals, Piyo Piyo definitely knows how important it is to have all these feeding products to be safe and clean for use. Use only the premium and safest product for your baby. Get the best of the best bottles for breastfed babies only from!
Menghasilkan produk bayi yang selamat dan praktikal, Piyo Piyo hanya menawarkan produk yang bebas dari BPA dan Phthalate. Selain itu, botol bayi, dan juga pacifier bayi keluaran Piyo Piyo adalah mesra alam dan tahan lama. Bebas dari bahan kimia yang merbahaya, Piyo Piyo menitik berat akan kebersihan dan keselamatan alatan makan mereka. Gunakan hanya produk bayi yang berkualiti tinggi dan selamat untuk si manja anda. Dapatkan botol bayi terbaik hanya di!
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