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Designed to help reduce the risk of suffocation, entanglement and climbing Soft material Keep little limbs safely inside the cot at all times.
Extremely Softness Silky Touch Hypoallergenic Maximum Air Flow
Removable and Washable Cover Anti-Slip Base Superior Pressure Relieving Memory Foam
Treated 100% Natural Probictics Waterproof Mattress Protection Protection against Dust Mite Allergies Machine washable Extra Soft and Very Absorbent
Treated 100% Natural Probictics Dust mite and allergen-resistant Removable & Washable Cover Micro Pin Holes for Air Ventilation
Treated 100% Natural Probictics Dust mite and allergen-resistant Removable & Washable Cover Micro Pin Holes for Air Ventilation
Treated 100% Natural Probictics Natural Bamboo Fibre Cover Dust mite and allergen-resistant Removable & Washable Cover Micro Pin Holes for Air Ventilation Provides optimum support for shoulders and neck
Treated 100% Natural Probictics Natural Bamboo Fiber Cover Protection against Dust Mite Allergies Extra Soft and Very Absorbent
Treated 100% Natural Probictics Protection against Dust Mite Allergies Removable & Washable Cover Provide optimum support for shoulders & neck
Treated 100% Natural Probictics Adjustable 2 level height Protection against Dust Mite Allergies Removable and Machine Washable Cover
Silky Touch Hypoallergenic
Silky Touch Hypoallergenic
Silky touch Suitable for use in air-conditioned rooms 100% Jersey Cotton Technofibre
Extremely Softness Silky Touch Hypoallergenic Maximum Air Flow
Rest assured that your baby will sleep soundly with Comfy Baby. With various baby products like baby pillow and baby mattresses made out of memory foam, your baby will sleep with comfort and the right amount of support. With ventilation and natural antibacterial and anti-dust mite properties, your baby will be protected and comfortable all night long.
Bayi anda akan tidur nyenyak dengan produk bayi Comfy Baby. Dengan pelbagai jenis barangan bayi seperti bantal bayi dan tilam bayi yang diperbuat daripada busa memori, bayi anda akan tidur dengan sokongan badan yang sesuai yang akan membuatkan mereka tidur dengan selesa. Selain daripada itu, produk Comfy Baby juga mempunyai ciri-ciri anti bakteria dan hama, untuk melindungi bayi anda semalaman.