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Ideal for use at home or school...
Suitable from 4 months of age to 5 years old Comes with 360 degrees rotation seat with jumping board, overhead arch and fun/exciting toys Clip on toys can be hung from arch for play Musical panel/toy tray for interactive playing In activity center mode (Stage 1), it can support babies from 4 months to max weight of 11kg In play table and table/chair mode...
Keeping your entire baby feeding needs intact, Bubbles offers a wide range of baby products that will make every parents’ life easier. From breast milk bottle warmer to breast milk storage bags, Bubbles has it all. Bubbles strive to achieve in giving all mothers an easier and more enjoyable journey of motherhood. Easy and practical, everything you need to make your day as a mom easier is all here at Bubbles. Get Bubbles and other baby products now at
Khusus dalam menyediakan kelengkapan penyusuan, Bubbles menghasilkan rangkaian produk yang akan memudahkan ibu bapa. Daripada alat pemanas botol ke beg penyimpanan susu ibu, Bubbles ada segalanya. Mudah dan praktikal, Bubbles mempunyai segala yang anda perlukan untuk aktiviti penyusuan anda di sini. Dapatkan produk Bubbles, dan pelbagai kelengkapan bayi yang lain hanya di hari ini!
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