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Removable 1 gallon tank easily fits...
Halal Support a healthy heart Boost your immune system Increase your energy Improve the look and feel of your skin Reduce Inflammation
Halal Balances Cholesterol Levels Reduces Inflammation Prevents Chronic Diseases Reduces Allergies Rich In Phytosterols
Halal Country of Origin : Italy 100% pure tomatoes Can use to cook Bolognese, Pizza, Lasagna and etc. Tomato paste is a source of several nutrients and also features some compounds that are not highly available in raw tomatoes, making it a healthy addition to recipes.
Halal Country of Origin : Italy 100% pure tomatoes Can use to cook Bolognese, Pizza, Lasagna and etc. Tomato paste is a source of several nutrients and also features some compounds that are not highly available in raw tomatoes, making it a healthy addition to recipes.
Store in a cool or dry place. Once opened, consumed within one week. Made in Italy. 100% Durum wheat. Halal.
Store in a cool or dry place. Once opened, consumed within one week. Made in Italy. 100% Durum wheat. Halal.
Store in a cool or dry place. Once opened, consumed within one week. Made in Italy. 100% Durum wheat. Halal.
Store in a cool or dry place. Once opened, consumed within one week. Made in Italy. 100% Durum wheat. Halal.
Halal Helps to Relieve Pain Ia Memperkuat Sistem Imunimu Boleh Membantu dengan Kebimbangan dan Kemurungan Membantu mengelak strok Membantu Mengatasi Osteoporosis
Store in a cool or dry place. Once opened, consumed within one week. Made in Italy. 100% Durum wheat. Halal.
Halal Helps to Relieve Pain Can Help With Anxiety and Depression Helps prevent stroke Helps Overcome Osteoporosis
Halal Helps to Relieve Pain Can Help With Anxiety and Depression Helps prevent stroke Helps Overcome Osteoporosis
Store in a cool or dry place. Once opened, consumed within one week. Made in Italy. 100% Durum wheat. Halal.
Store in a cool or dry place. Once opened, consumed within one week. Made in Italy. 100% Durum wheat. Halal.
Store in a cool or dry place. Once opened, consumed within one week. Made in Italy. 100% Durum wheat. Halal.
Store in a cool or dry place. Once opened, consumed within one week. Made in Italy. 100% Durum wheat. Halal.
Halal Helps to Relieve Pain Can Help With Anxiety and Depression Helps prevent stroke Helps Overcome Osteoporosis
Halal Country of Origin : Italy 100% pure tomatoes Can use to cook Bolognese, Pizza, Lasagna and etc. Tomato paste is a source of several nutrients and also features some compounds that are not highly available in raw tomatoes, making it a healthy addition to recipes.
Store in a cool or dry place. Once opened, consumed within one week. Made in Italy. 100% Durum wheat. Halal.
Store in a cool or dry place. Once opened, consumed within one week. Made in Italy. 100% Durum wheat. Halal.
Halal Helps to Relieve Pain Can Help With Anxiety and Depression Helps prevent stroke Helps Overcome Osteoporosis
Halal Reducing the risk of blood clots. Reducing low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad") cholesterol. Preventing damage to blood vessels in your heart. Helping maintain a healthy blood pressure. Balsamic vinegar is a vinegar originating from Italy, increasingly popular throughout the world. The original, costly, traditional balsamic vinegar, is made from...
A good source of antioxidants Antibacterial and antifungal properties Heal wounds phytonutrient powerhouse Help for digestive issues Soothe a sore throat Honey is "less bad" than sugar for diabetics The antioxidants in it can help lower blood pressure Honey also helps improve cholesterol Honey can lower triglycerides
A good source of antioxidants Antibacterial and antifungal properties Heal wounds phytonutrient powerhouse Help for digestive issues Soothe a sore throat Honey is "less bad" than sugar for diabetics The antioxidants in it can help lower blood pressure Honey also helps improve cholesterol Honey can lower triglycerides
A good source of antioxidants Antibacterial and antifungal properties Heal wounds phytonutrient powerhouse Help for digestive issues Soothe a sore throat Honey is "less bad" than sugar for diabetics The antioxidants in it can help lower blood pressure Honey also helps improve cholesterol Honey can lower triglycerides
A good source of antioxidants Antibacterial and antifungal properties Heal wounds phytonutrient powerhouse Help for digestive issues Soothe a sore throat Honey is "less bad" than sugar for diabetics The antioxidants in it can help lower blood pressure Honey also helps improve cholesterol Honey can lower triglycerides
A good source of antioxidants Antibacterial and antifungal properties Heal wounds phytonutrient powerhouse Help for digestive issues Soothe a sore throat Honey is "less bad" than sugar for diabetics The antioxidants in it can help lower blood pressure Honey also helps improve cholesterol Honey can lower triglycerides
A good source of antioxidants Antibacterial and antifungal properties Heal wounds phytonutrient powerhouse Help for digestive issues Soothe a sore throat Honey is "less bad" than sugar for diabetics The antioxidants in it can help lower blood pressure Honey also helps improve cholesterol Honey can lower triglycerides
A good source of antioxidants Antibacterial and antifungal properties Heal wounds phytonutrient powerhouse Help for digestive issues Soothe a sore throat Honey is "less bad" than sugar for diabetics The antioxidants in it can help lower blood pressure Honey also helps improve cholesterol Honey can lower triglycerides
Now you can enjoy lightly marinated, perfectly seasoned premium tuna anytime you want! Perfectly seasoned with fresh cracked pepper and a delicious touch of lemon. You can enjoy it in so many ways! Salad, Sandwich, Pizza, Wrap & Pasta. No MSG, No Perservatives! Good Souce of Omega 3 and Protein!
Now you can enjoy lightly marinated, perfectly seasoned premium tuna anytime you want! Perfectly seasoned with tomato paste, chili and garlic. You can enjoy it in so many ways! Salad, Sandwich, Pizza, Wrap & Pasta. No MSG, No Perservatives! Good Souce of Omega 3 and Protein!
Now you can enjoy lightly marinated, perfectly seasoned premium tuna anytime you want! Perfectly seasoned with fresh cracked pepper and a delicious touch of lemon. You can enjoy it in so many ways! Salad, Sandwich, Pizza, Wrap & Pasta. No MSG, No Perservatives! Good Souce of Omega 3 and Protein!
Now you can enjoy lightly marinated, perfectly seasoned premium tuna anytime you want! Perfectly seasoned with coconut milk and chili. You can enjoy it in so many ways! Salad, Sandwich, Pizza, Wrap & Pasta. No MSG, No Preservatives! Good Souce of Omega 3 and Protein!
TC BOY Tuna Real Mayonnaise is a quick meal convenience - ready to serve and enjoy! Great for almost any tuna recipe - spread it, stuff it, wrap it, melt it, and enjoy it! You can enjoy it in so many ways! Salad, Sandwich, Pizza, Wrap & Pasta. No MSG, No Preservatives! Good Souce of Omega 3 and Protein!
TC BOY Tuna Mayonnaise (Salad Spread) is quick meal convenience - ready to serve and enjoy! Great for almost any tuna recipe - spread it, stuff it, wrap it, melt it, and enjoy it! You can enjoy it in so many ways! Salad, Sandwich, Pizza, Wrap & Pasta. No MSG, No Perservatives! Good Souce of Omega 3 and Protein!
For those who prefer their Solid Tuna marinated in oil, we offer type of oil for your favorite recipes. Vegetable Oil, Sunflower Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. You can enjoy it in so many ways! Salad, Sandwich, Pizza, Wrap & Pasta. No MSG, No Perservatives! Good Souce of Omega 3 and Protein!
For those who prefer their Solid Tuna marinated in oil, we offer type of oil for your favorite recipes. Vegetable Oil, Sunflower Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. You can enjoy it in so many ways! Salad, Sandwich, Pizza, Wrap & Pasta. No MSG, No Perservatives! Good Souce of Omega 3 and Protein!
Solid Tuna pack it in spring water - without broths or extra additives. Best option for special diet considerations. You can enjoy it in so many ways! Salad, Sandwich, Pizza, Wrap & Pasta. No MSG, No Perservatives! Good Souce of Omega 3 and Protein!
For those who prefer their Solid Tuna marinated in oil, we offer type of oil for your favorite recipes. Vegetable Oil, Sunflower Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. You can enjoy it in so many ways! Salad, Sandwich, Pizza, Wrap & Pasta. No MSG, No Perservatives! Good Souce of Omega 3 and Protein!
Solid Tuna pack it in spring water with salt. Best option for diet considerations. You can enjoy it in so many ways! Salad, Sandwich, Pizza, Wrap & Pasta. No MSG, No Perservatives! Good Souce of Omega 3 and Protein!
Our tasty sardines packed in a tomato sauce are flavorful and convenient. You can enjoy it in so many ways! Rice, Sandwich, Pizza, Wrap & Pasta. No MSG, No Perservatives! Good Souce of Omega 3 and Protein!
TC BOY Tuna Sandwich Delite is quick meal convenience - ready to serve and enjoy! Great for almost any tuna recipe - spread it, stuff it, wrap it, melt it, and enjoy it! You can enjoy it in so many ways! Salad, Sandwich, Pizza, Wrap & Pasta. No MSG, No Perservatives! Good Souce of Omega 3 and Protein!
Salmon Lover? We offer Salmon Salad (spread style) that ready to serve and enjoy! Great for salmon recipe - spread it, stuff it, wrap it, melt it, and enjoy it! You can enjoy it in so many ways! Salad, Sandwich, Pizza, Wrap & Pasta. No MSG, No Perservatives! Good Souce of Omega 3 and Protein!
For those who prefer their Solid Tuna marinated in oil, we offer type of oil for your favorite recipes. Vegetable Oil, Sunflower Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. You can enjoy it in so many ways! Salad, Sandwich, Pizza, Wrap & Pasta. No MSG, No Perservatives! Good Souce of Omega 3 and Protein!
Our quality beans packed in a tomato sauce are flavorful and convenient. Benefit of Beans: High source of fibre Low in fat & saturated fat Cholesterol free Source of iron Source of calcium No MSG, No Perservatives!
Premium Virgin Coconut Oil with the crucial vitamins, nutrients such as lauric acid (of same nature found in mother's milk), capric acid, caprylic acid, medium chain triglycerides (MCT), and antioxidants your body needs to maintain good health.
SUNNO Cold Pressed Unrefined Sweet Almond Oil has a good source of antioxidant vitamin E and phytosterols which boosts up the immune system to protect against viruses and illnesses during this coronavirus period.
Spicy Flavour Hot Pot Seasoning (Mala) (220g per Pack) 海底捞 清油火锅底料 麻辣味 Sung Tao
Shrimp Soup Hot Pot Seasoning (200g per Pack) 海底捞 上汤三鲜 火锅底料 Sung Tao Seafood Supply
Shiro Miso Dashi Iri Okaasan (Hanamaruki) 1kg per pack Sung Tao Seafood 味噌史郎 Miso Shiro
Mushroom Flavour Hot Pot Seasoning (110g per Pack) 海底捞 菌汤火锅汤料 Sung Tao Seafood Supply
Low heat roasted peanuts are the only ingredient, no cholesterol and no sugar suitable for diabetes, keto diet & your baby above 8 months too. When to Introduce Peanut Butter The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology recommends introducing peanut butter to your baby only after other solid foods have been fed to them safely, without any...
New Zealand Safeguard Fruit and Veggie Wash 1L/bottle (2 Bottle per pack) Pembersih Buah dan Sayur
Exp: 10/2022 Natural Traditionally fermented More than 6 months fermentation Made from 5 ingredients only NO addictive Kid’s friendly
Exp : 01/2023 Kombu kelp is known as the King of seaweeds & Super Food with its high nutritional content. High in iodine, essential for thyroid functioning. Has a natural source of glutamic acid which enhances flavours with an umami taste (savoury).
STEP 2 - Baby Organic DUO-Grain (Exp : 10/2022) After Baby has consumed Step 1 & comfortable with iit,it is time for baby to be introduced to Step 2-Which is formulated specially for baby\'s digestion system for more nutriens absorbtion.Soft cooked to a semi-liquid consistency with its light & fluffy texture which easily to digest by the litttle one.
Exp: 01/2023 Packed with antibacterial and antiviral properties to fight common cold, flu, pneumonia and asthma. Great for stir fry, soup, steam dishes, porridge, stew, meat marinade and almost any dish. Know as baby anchovy that rich in minerals especially DHA (omega-3) for baby's brain development. Highly recommended for younger babies as it is softer...
MommyJ Food Powder is a range of nutritious and ready to use food powders made from 100% PURE ingredients that can be easily included in little one's meal. Lending natural taste with a wide array of precious nutrients into little one's meal that is specially tailored for a busy parent to ease the preparation of a healthy meal! helps a child’s muscle...
STEP 4 - Baby MULTI-Grain STEP 4 Baby Multi-Grain is formulated specially for 10+ months baby to provide a more complete B complex vitamin, minerals & useful protein for overall development. The digestion system of little one at this stage is not fully develop yet, therefore our specially formulated grains are with softer texture produced from the...
At around 6 month of age,baby is ready for introduction of solid food.Organically Grown Pearl White Rice is one of the best choice for baby's first supplementary food, due to the starch in Pearl White Rice is almost ALLERGIES FREE to baby.
STEP5 - Baby Organic Natural Super-Grains [Suitable for 1 1/2 years or above] Contain : 1. Natural Pearl Brown Rice 2. Natural Pearl Rice 3. Organically grown Bario BLACK Rice 4. Organically grown Bario RED Rice 5. Organic Cornmeal 6. Organic Hulled Millet 7. Organic White Quinoa The cereal germ is extremely good for toddler’s immune system, bone...
Premium Scallop Powder (Exp : 12/2022) Scallop are nutrient-dense, good source of protein, Vitamin B6,E and almost no fats. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps in baby's brain, in combination with potassium and magnesium.The scallop is proved to be a heart-friendly food as they lower triglyceride levels and reduce the risk of blood clots. It has saltwater...
STEP 3 - Baby Organic TRI-Grain STEP 3 Baby Organic Tri-Grain is formulated specially for 8+ months Baby to provide good source of vitamin and minerals especially ORGANIC WHITE QUINOA which easily to be digested & contains healthy omega-3 which help little’s one brain development. For 8 months old and above Contain : Organic Pearl Rice , Organic...
( Exp : 01/ 2023 ) Organic or premium food ingredient Coloring / addictive free Flavoring agent free Antibiotics residue-free Chemical Growth promoter free for 6 month & Above Baby
Mi Urai is made with select ingredients, using the latest technology to create premium egg noodles with superior bite. Try both Mi Urai Original and Mi Urai Flat, and enjoy them with your favourite recipes
King Cup Sardine is made from high quality fishes, giving it a fresh taste along with the tomato, giving it a sweet yet savoury taste, blending it well with any dishes.
Kewpie Roasted Sesame Dressing is made from deep roasted sesame seeds along with creamy sesame sauce. It has a delectable and versatile taste that goes along well with any food such as salads, cold pasta etc. Whereas, Kewpie Japanese Style Mayonnaise, has a rich and creamy texture made from egg yolks and a unique blend of vinegars, giving a slight packed...
Ayam Brand Baked Beans Parmesan Cheese contains real Parmesan Cheese soaked in tasty tomato sauce. The savoury of the beans is perfect with various dishes, not just heated but good on toast, omelette, pastries etc. Ayam Brand baked beans is rich in fibre and low in fat as no preservatives, MSG and colouring is added.
Alce Nero Organic Tricolore Pasta is great with cheese, sauce and soups. The pasta is made out from organic natural ingredients and no colouring added. The cute shapes of the pasta brings children and adults a fun way to prepare and eat their meals together.
Seasoned vegetables of jicama, carrot and mushrooms, wrapped in a crispy soy skin.
Unrefined Dark Brown Soft Sugar 500g
Rice Bran Oil 1L Love Earth Rice bran oil is naturally light and clean tasting. It contains oryzanol and is high in antioxidants such as Vitamin E. With a high smoke point (250 °C), it is ideal for frying, barbecuing, grilling, stir fries and great for everyday cooking.
Ginger is among the healthiest (and most delicious) spices on the planet which is loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds that have powerful benefits for your body and brain.
Contains chromium, magnesium and zinc which help to improve blood flow. A known effective remedy for the nausea associated with motion sickness. As a natural treatment for colds and flu. Contains anti-inflammatory fighting substances and is a natural painkiller. Can reduce symptoms of menstrual pain. Expiry date: 3.2023 For shipping within West Malaysia only
Also, known as “super food”. The pigment contains anthocyanins, a type of powerful antioxidant. Black rice is rich in fiber, iron and Vitamin E.
Expiry date: 9.2022 For shipping within West Malaysia only
Organic Pearled Barley 580g Has dietary fiber which is high in beta glucan. It is a virtually fat-free food and is also cholesterol-free
Organic High Protein Flour 900g High Protein Flour Known as bread flour. Ideal for making all carieties of bread, buns and other flour-based products.A high percentage of protein means a harder/stronger flour best suited to chewy, crusty breads and other yeast-risen products.
Coconut Oil is a natural oil and lower in calories than most oils. Made by extracting it from the coconut meat can be taken as a daily health supplement and can be used as a skin and hair care product
Coconut Oil is a natural oil and lower in calories than most oils Made by extracting it from the coconut meat It is a healthier option to use for cooking
Organic Coconut Flour 900G High source of nutrient including fiber and protein. They are also low in sugar, digestible carbohydrates and calories and has a low score on the glycemic index. Because of their high nutrient density, coconut flour is useful in defending allergic, aids in metabolism, maintain healthy blood sugar level and digestive system.
Expiry date: 7.2022 For shipping within West Malaysia only
Chilli contains calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin A & vitamin C Beta Carotene in chilli powder works as an antioxidant
Organic Cane Sugar has been specially grown and carefully processed to protect nature balance and reward discerning buyers with a unique natural sweetness.
Coconut Oil is a natural oil and lower in calories than most oils. Made by extracting it from the coconut meat can be taken as a daily health supplement and can be used as a skin and hair care product.